We are all called to do our part in your parish. Please feel free to call the parish office to volenteer your services. We need your help!
New Parishioners: We warmly welcome you into the Parish Community and invite you to become active in the various ministries our parish offers. Contact the parish office to register.
Expositions of the Blessed Sacraments: First Fridays, See Bulletin for times.
Rosary and Novena Miraculous Medal is Mondays after noon mass.
Hearing Imparied: There are individual listening enhancers available for your use located in the rear of the church.
Care of the Sick: In case of an accident or sudden illness, call anytime. We are also pleased to bring the Sacraments to the Ill and homebound parishioners. Please notify the parish if a family member is hospitalized.
Letters of Recommendations:
To act as sponsors at Baptism or Confirmation, please call (716) 945 4966.
Rite of Christian Initiation is the way the Church prepares an unbaptized person for their sacrements. Persons already baptized in other denominations are also welcomed through this process. Contact the Parish office.
Sacrament of Baptism: Parents must attend a Pre-Baptismal Class. Call the parish office for reservations three months in advance.
Sacrament of First Communion: Elementary students who have completed 2nd grade in either a Catholic school or our Religious Education Program should contact the parish office.
Sacrament of Confirmation: High School students having completed 9th grade in either a Catholic school or our Religious Education Program should contact the parish office.
Sacrament of Matrimony: Arrangements are to be made at least six months before the desired wedding date. Attendance at a marriage preparation program is required.
Our Parish offers something for every one looking to strenthen their faith. We all have a calling to do our part in our Faith. We also have many programs just waiting for you to get involved. If you would like to get involved, contact our Parish Office.