Ushers: These ministers of hospitality welcome weekend worshipers, take up the collection, and assist the assembly in keeping proper order.
Eucharistic Ministers: These ministers distribute the Body of Christ to those assembled in worship. Participation in a diocesan workshop is required for this ministry.
Lectors: These ministers proclaim the Word of God to the assembly at weekend Masses. Basic instruction is provided to prepare readers for this ministry.
Altar Servers: Students in Grades 5 thru 9 are invited to assist in the priest at weekend Masses. Servers are trained in the autumn of each year, and typically serve one Mass per month.
Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick: In cooperation with our OUTREACH PROGRAM, these Eucharist Ministers visit the home-bound and infirm with Holy Communion on a regular basis at their mutual convenience. Preparation as a Eucharistic Minister is required, along with a sensitivity to the needs of the elderly and infirm. Contact the rectory for further information.
Besides their liturgical services to the worshiping community at weekend Masses, the gentleman of the Ushers’ Club hold an annual Winter Raffle for parish improvements, host an annual Ladies’ Breakfast on the first Sunday of May, arrange a sports excursion yearly, and underwrite the expenses of our Vacation Bible School.
Committee develops avenues to deepen the faith of our parish community by offering a variety of liturgical services, prayer experiences, educational opportunities, and occasional evaluations of our weekend liturgies.
The adult Choir enhances our worship on a regular basis, along with choral music special holy days. They typically sing at the 10.30 am Sunday Mass once a moth, and hold rehearsals in the choir loft on Monday evenings, 6:45-8:00 pm. The Director is Annette Leda.